Versandkosten und Kontoangaben

Bank AccountBrinkmann GmbH
 Bank: Deutsche Bank AG
 IBAN: DE55 1307 0000 0340 6360 01 BIC: DEUTDEBRXXX
Paypal[email protected]
Shipping costs in Euro including packaging, for higher weights we will send additional packages
up to 3 kgup to 5 kgup to 10 kgup to 15 kgup to 20 kgup to 25 kgup to 32 kgup to 40 kg
Surcharge for small quantities 5 € for orders below 25 €
Standard European Unionup to 5 kgup to 10 kgup to 15 kgup to 25 kgup to 30 kgup to 40 kgup to 50 kgDelivery Time in Days
Austria AT12.4014.4015.9018.9022.4026.4029.903
Belgium BE10.4012.0013.3014.4017.6021.3023.004
Bulgaria BG41.6042.9045.4047.5050.2054.7059.905
Croatia HR15.8816.6418.2420.6723.8725.7628.364
Cyprus CY71.6081.6094.90148.60163.90218.30253.007
Czech Republic CZ16.0017.0018.7019.7022.4024.4028.903
Denmark DK10.4012.4014.9016.9019.4023.4025.902
Estonia EE23.4024.0025.5026.9029.9036.9041.905
Spain ES20.4523.0024.9028.9034.4043.4047.904
Finland FI25.4027.2029.8033.5036.0040.4043.905
France , MetropolitanFR16.0017.0018.7019.7022.4024.4026.903
United Kingdom GB17.4019.4020.9025.9028.4031.4033.904
Greece GR58.4082.40100.99120.50141.40168.00191.994
Hungary HU17.4019.0020.9022.9025.4026.9036.903
Ireland IE26.2026.9028.4533.6537.6040.4043.704
Italy IT30.4032.4033.8035.5039.0041.4043.903
Lithuania LT23.4024.0025.5026.9031.4039.9041.905
Luxembourg LU10.4012.0013.3014.4017.6021.3023.006
Latvia LV23.4024.0025.5026.9031.4037.9041.905
Malta MT53.1087.40120.00190.90211.40290.40351.904
Monaco MC15.4017.4019.9020.9023.4024.4025.903
Netherlands NL10.4012.0013.3014.4017.6021.3023.002
Poland PL17.4019.0020.9022.9031.4034.9037.903
Portugal PT22.4024.0025.5028.9033.4037.9043.904
Romania RO27.4030.2033.8037.5041.0043.4048.904
Slovakia SK20.4524.0027.9029.9031.4037.9045.904
Slovenia SI15.4017.4019.9021.9025.4027.4031.904
Sweden SE18.4020.4023.9027.9031.4034.4038.904
Standard outside EU incl customs clearance
Switzerland CH48.50 Euro up to 30 kg and 1000 Euro value of goods, after that 122.50 Euro4
Gibraltar GI44.00 Euro up to 30 kg and 1000 Euro value of goods, after that 118.00 Euro5
Guadeloupe GP99.50 Euro up to 30 kg and 1000 Euro value of goods, after that 173.50 Euro11
Iceland IS9 Euro up to is 3 kg, every additional kg 15 Euros7
Liechtenstein LI48.50 Euro up to 30 kg and 1000 Euro value of goods, after that 122.50 Euro3
Martinique MQ99.50 Euro up to 30 kg and 1000 Euro value of goods, after that 173.50 Euro11
Norway NO9 Euro up to is 3 kg, every additional kg 15 Euros5
ReunionRE99.50 Euro up to 30 kg and 1000 Euro value of goods, after that 173.50 Euro11